Delicate punk, Burberry 09 autumn and winter barbed wire bracelet and ring

You may have a punk rock heart, but suffering from professional dress limit has been difficult to try, then Burberry09 autumn and winter this series of barbed wire design bracelet and ring will be your good friend. This series of designs draw on punk aesthetics, but the real punk will not wear it, too delicate enough not treason, but to give you a daily set is a bright spot, the boss will not frown. Burberry09 autumn and winter jewelry gold and lacquer black gloss excellent, craft is also very fine, absolutely do not have to worry about being mistaken for really wrapped a few laps; from the details of the big picture you can see the pricker part are polished for the fillet, the general You do not have to stab yourself in the circumstances. Imagine the plate is exposed under the cuff of such a barbed wire braid, my colleague next to you immediately admiration.