Star favorite petty card orchid series jewelry (Photos)

Orchids have been the fairy in the world since ancient times, and Cartier designers created the first orchid-shaped hair accessories as early as 1925. Over the years, orchids often appear in Cartier jewelry, clever hand carved orchid jewelry re-interpretation of the mysterious orchids deep sensual. Orchid imitation of the following fairy fairy, in its incredible bloom, slowly magical magic. Cartier Orchid Series is precisely the perfect show of orchid vitality and refined beauty. Cartier Orchid Series Onyx Diamond Ring RMB 380,000 Cartier Orchid Series Onyx diamond ring have been sought after by many celebrities, became the new favorite in their hands, wearing it debuted in various occasions. Take a look at the flowers in their hands. Lyton - Meister function kf_ifempty (myform) {if (myform.content.value == "") {alert ("Please fill in the comments before submitting, thanks)"); return false;} else {return true;} } .comm {width: 580px; margin: 10px auto 0; color: # 343434;} .comm .c_title {zoom: 1; overflow: hidden; line-height: 20px; padding: 5px 0;} .comm .c_title. t_name {padding-left: 20px; background: url (/EditManager/UploadNews_32/20098710031871.gif) no-repeat 5px 4px; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; float: left;} .comm .c_title .t_more {float: right;} .comm .group {background: url (/EditManager/UploadNews_32/20098710031871.gif) repeat-x 0 -49px; padding: 10px 8px;} .comm .group .c_info {color: # 666; line -height: 25px;} .comm .group .c_memo {color: # 343434; line-height: 20px;} .comm .c_count {text-align: right; line- height: 20px;} .comm .c_ele {zoom: 1; overflow: hidden; padding: 3px 0;} .comm .f_right {float: right;} a.nounderline {text-decoration: none;} a.nounderline: hover {text-decoration: underline;}