Some friends like to clean, wear clothes during the day will be cleaned. Some friends do not mind, used to throw dirty clothes into the washing machine every once in a while. As everyone knows, different clothing has an optimal cleaning cycle, wash too frequently or not cleaned in time is not conducive to the conservation of clothing. Today, coyotes came to you popular science: tell you some winter clothing, how often to wash once best. Jeans cleaning cycle: wear 4 to 5 times "cattle can not wash" may be a dirty "myth." In fact, jeans should be washed, but times do not need to be as frequent. New jeans should be cleaned for no more than three months and then for four months (if you are not a builder). Over-cleaning may cause the jeans to fade or wear. Of course, you can also use jeans special detergent and clothing spray clean to maintain jeans. Sweater cleaning cycle: wear 6 to 7 times after wearing a sweater season, but also the need to clean the sweater season. Of course, if you wear sweaters, sweat or sweaty places, or sweatshirts soiled, it is of course important to clean them immediately. However, if it is in daily life, it is normal to wear it 6 to 7 times before cleaning it. Leather cleaning cycle: quarterly cleaning In general, the leather is a quarter of cleaning time, but this does not mean that the leather is easy to clean care. In winter, every time you wear a leather coat, hang it in a dry, well-ventilated place with a suitable hanger to avoid any twisting and direct sunlight. In the winter end, before the collection of leather, must be clean leather, and fully dry, can play a good role in moth and nursing. Although clean and sanitary is very important, the correct number of cleaning in order to better play the role of clothing conservation. Do you understand the number of winter clothes cleaning? (Source: Sina)
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