[ this site - shoes and life] why wear high heels easy to get hallux valgus? Analysis from the aspect of human mechanics, high heels will heave the heel, so that the body center of gravity forward, focus point changes, increased pressure on the toes. The shape of the human foot is close to a rectangle. The shape of the front half of the pointed high-heeled shoes is narrow, and the tip of the toes is in a state of squeezing for a long time, and deformation occurs in the course of a long time, and hallux valgus occurs. Pointed high heels can be described as hallux valgus "fast shoes."
At the end of the last century, sharp-nosed high-heeled shoes were very popular. In the following years, many fashionable young and middle-aged women sought treatment because of hallux valgus. There are more popular shoes in this century. Some square heads and round-toe shoes have less compression on the toes; other platform shoes are almost high on the front and back, and will not push the center of gravity forward. Young women will have less hallux valgus. Now. In recent years, the main treatment for hallux valgus in hospitals is middle-aged and elderly women. Most of them are the root cause of wearing high-heeled shoes and high heels in previous years.
The reporter learned from major hospitals such as hand surgery, foot and ankle surgery, orthopaedics and other related departments that at least nearly a thousand people have to wear heels for a long time each year and have to go to the hospital for treatment of hallux valgus. According to the severity of illness, some can be improved by wearing hallux valgus orthoses, and some can only be surgically treated.
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