Pencil Club Kids: Put on fairy tales so that the story begins

Children's growth is inseparable from a variety of fairy tales, reading books, listening to the songs, have the shadow of the fairy tale, intangible, began to yearn for the fairy tale in the world, the princess and the prince of the world, the better then became like With dreams things, clothes, dress modeling, pencil club children's clothing, fairy tales put on the body, will live in the desired shape, from childhood. Little princess like the princess, it will be dressed as a princess in the fairy tale look, but has its own characteristics, or wear a fairy graffiti costumes, blue shirt with a white star gauze dress, the princess looks like not only printed on the clothes , But also in the hearts of the little girl, the golden coat of arms on the gray coat of arms with the inner crown of the girls take the lead echoed each other, the golden sleeves and shrink sleeve cuffs, making the jacket is also a distinguished appearance, which dream you want Start. The boy will naturally represent the prince, blue floral suit jacket, with a white shirt, how to look full of prince flavor, lower body and then put on a white trousers, like the prince charming Prince Charming, the color of shoes and coat phase Echo, from childhood is a small gentleman, certainly more handsome after growing up.

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