fitting resources from liesl + co.

More than two years ago, we rounded up all the fitting posts that had previously run on the blog into one package filled to bursting with tips on how to achieve a well-fitting garment.

Fast-forward 27 months, and we’ve added a new blog series devoted to the process of fitting as well as quite a few more pattern adjustment tutorials.

The goal is to build a comprehensive collection of resources for fitting your handmade garments, right here on the blog. If you love tweaking your makes for the perfect fit, you’ll want to peruse these listings to see if there’s anything that could help you now, or that you’d be interested in trying out later.

The Fitting Room series

Got fit issues? Check out our library of pattern adjustment tutorials and fitting tips.

A little less than a year ago, we launched The Fitting Room series, where sewists take the reader through the pattern adjustments and fitting methods they use to sew a garment. These posts are a treasure trove of fitting information. We currently have seven posts in the library, with more in the works. Clockwise from top left, they are:

  • Masha’s Gelato Blouse, where I walk you through my full bust, full bicep and high round back adjustments.
  • Meg’s Classic Shirts, where you can take a journey with Meg through four iterations of the pattern, and the changes she made for each one.
  • Claire’s Recital Shirts, where Claire shows you the process of muslining the Recital Shirt pattern and the perfectly fitting result.
  • Camelia’s Saint-Germain Wrap Dress, which also walks the reader through a fine-tuned muslin process.
  • Lauren’s Classic Shirt, which features detailed measurements and of course, more muslins.
  • Sharon’s Cappuccino Dress, in which Sharon shows you how she adjusts a tried-and-true pattern for her shape.
  • Jennifer’s Easton Cowl-Neck Tee, where Jennifer shows her iterations of one of our newest patterns, with details on how she tweaked each one to improve the fit.

Pattern adjustment tutorials

We also have added a number of fitting tutorials on the blog. Here’s a list:

Bust adjustment tutorials

How to Do a Dartless Pivot-and-Slide Full Bust Adjustment

This one is great for making extra bust space in a t-shirt, or any pattern where you don’t want to add a dart.

How to Add a Bust Dart to a Dartless Pattern

This easy-to-follow tutorial explains how to put in a dart when the pattern doesn’t already have one.

How to Raise or Lower a Dart

The bust dart in a pattern isn’t always going to be perfectly placed for your bust height. Luckily, this is an easy fix with Liesl’s tutorial.

How to Raise or Lower a Dart

Liesl also has workshops on Creativebug that walk you through a bust adjustment and dart manipulation.

Other pattern adjustments

How to Do a Full Sleeve Adjustment 

Do you struggle with sleeves that are too tight? You’ll want to check this one out.

How to Do a Narrow Shoulder Adjustment

This is a very easy adjustment that does wonders for the fit of a sewing pattern.

Learn to do a narrow or broad shoulder adjustment with this photo tutorial.

How to Do a Broad Shoulder Adjustment

This is the inverse of the previous adjustment. There’s also an example of how a t-shirt fits when the wearer needs this adjustment.

How to do a broad shoulder adjustment.

How to Do a High Round Back Adjustment

This is an adjustment that can make a big difference if you suffer from gaping back necklines or tops that creep backwards and strangle you.

Learn how to make a high round back adjustment with this photo tutorial.

Lengthening and Shortening a Pattern

Adding length to a pattern (or shortening it) is a pretty simple thing, though there are some best practices you should be aware of. They’re all in this little tutorial.

Lengthening and shortening a pattern

Sizing and muslin tutorials

15 Tips for Fitting a Muslin


How to Make a Muslin to Test Fit

This post walks you through the steps of making a muslin.

How to make a muslin to test fit

Fitting a Fairy Tale Dress for a Toddler

Here we talk about a few common fit problems you might run into when you fit a muslin for a toddler. Though the fit issues are specific to toddler bodies, reading about the process is a useful exercise for general fitting knowledge.

Fitting an Oliver + S Fairy Tale muslin for a toddler

Blending Between Sizes for a Better Fit

If your upper and lower halves are different sizes, you’ll want to check this guide to blending sizes.

Blending between sizes

Find Your Size with Your High Bust Measurement

It’s not really all that difficult to find your size once you understand how pattern sizing works.

You might also be interested in Liesl’s instructions for a full bust adjustment at the very beginning of the Cinema Dress sew-along and her guide to fitting trousers in this post. In addition, be sure to check out our post on 4 Tips for Fitting a Sewing Pattern.

We are adding to our fitting resource library all the time. You can find all the posts here under our “fit” tag. We hope this post has been helpful. Happy fitting!

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